Thursday, June 24, 2010

How it all started.

Well I would actually say my sewing stems back to when I was just a kid. Probably no older then age 4. I remember sitting on my grandmas living room floor with some brown yarn and plastic canvas with a yarn needle and making coasters for my Dad for Fathers Day. I am not so sure how accurate this memory is, I might have made them at my house.. but for some reason the memory I have takes place at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

My next memories I am a bit older probably closer to the age of 7. My sister and I would call my mom at work in the summers (I am sure we had a sitter there) and ask if we could have certain fabrics in one of her huge totes of textiles. I can't remember a time where she said no, but we still asked just in case. ANYWAYS, we sewed a number of things together with this fabric from pillows to a precious make believe friend we called Dr. Shrinkaneedle. Either way. we were strange kids that would rather craft something out of fabric then play video games.

When I was about 10 I made a blanket that I still have but is much too small for me to use now. it was red and white I LOVED it. I remember picking out the fabrics at JoAnns and it being a very special thing to get to buy my own fabric.

to this day I have two of my very own Giant Totes of Textiles that I am sure that my two girls will be asking me in a few years if they can have random pieces of fabric out of them, and I will never hesitate to tell them to take what they want. :)

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